New England Faculty Development Consortium

  • Join NEFDC
    NEFDC brings higher education faculty together for networking opportunities and professional development.
  • NEFDC Conferences
  • NEFDC Conferences


Our members enjoy two yearly conferences featuring workshops, networking opportunities, and a keynote presentation relevant to faculty and staff interested in teaching and learning.

Fall Conference and Spring Workshops

We host a fall conference featuring member-led interactive sessions, poster presentations, networking opportunities, and a teaching and learning focused keynote presentation. In the spring, we have moved to a new model of providing 3 workshops that extend the conference theme.

The Exchange

The Exchange is an NEFDC publication featuring peer reviewed articles submitted by members. Articles typically build on the upcoming or past conference theme, and book or technology reviews are welcome.

Who are we?

We are a consortium of institutional members from both private and public colleges and universities throughout New England. The organization is run by a Board of Directors, which is formed with representatives from the membership.

The NEFDC Board is always open to new ideas, and seeks new board members every spring.  Speak to any member of the Board if you have anything you wish to share, or if you are interested in joining the board.

What do we do?

Each year we sponsor a full day conference in the fall, followed by three related workshops in the spring. At the fall conference, members are invited to propose interactive sessions, posters, or short tip-based sessions related to the year’s theme. You can view our most recent conference themes at the Previous Conferences page.

The Consortium also publishes The Exchange in the spring, and occasional special issues, providing an opportunity for members share their work in a peer reviewed publication. The Exchange is available online, and archived on our website.

We offer financial awards to members of up to $2,000 in the spring to encourage and support the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching.

What is the history of NEFDC?

The New England Faculty Development Consortium (NEFDC) was founded in 1998. The group evolved from the work of individuals engaged in faculty development at a number of Massachusetts colleges and universities. Members recognized the value to be gained from a network specifically dedicated to sharing resources and collaborating regionally to sponsor faculty development activities.

Beginning as an informal association, in 1998 NEFDC moved to formally incorporate as a not-for-profit, regional organization dedicated to enhancing the professional development of faculty and administrators committed to excellence in teaching and learning.