New England Faculty Development Consortium


Why Join NEFDC?

NEFDC hosts a wide range of colleges and universities throughout New England.  (See a list of our current member institutions.)  Institutional membership covers single campuses, and offers faculty, staff, and students significant benefits over the membership period: July 1 to June 30.  Institutions that belong to consortia or statewide systems must submit separate membership applications.

NEFDC Membership Benefits

Institutional members are eligible for:

  • Reduced registration fees (“membership rates”) for two annual conferences for all faculty and staff from the member institution – right here in New England!
  • An opportunity to publish in The Exchange, a peer reviewed NEFDC publication
  • The chance to offer peer reviewed presentations at our conferences
  • Updates through the NEFDC Newsletter, with information and resources for faculty and faculty developers, published three times annually and circulated by email
  • Individual financial awards to pursue the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Being part of a robust and fun community of dedicated educators with whom to engage

NEFDC Membership Costs

Institutional Membership Fees

Annual membership is $225 per year and discounted by $25 if enrolled and paid between April 1 – August 6. Join or renew by August 6 to receive the reduced rate of $200. This small discount as a token of our appreciation for your early membership payment.

Become a member or renew your membership for 2021-2022

If you are unable to access the membership payment link for any reason or need to pay by PO, please complete the membership form (PDF), and email it to the treasurer at the address below.

For more information:

Contact our Treasurer, Jordan Troisi, PhD